事故傷害致死為1-24歲人口十大死因之首,亦為全國人口十大死因第六名,其結果會付出社會成本及造成社會負擔。大學生屬於事故傷害高風險族群,安全衛生相關知識對大學生相當重要。本研究分析嘉義縣某大學96學年度第一學期至108學年度第一學期,共23學期開設之「環境安全與衛生」(2學分)通識課程成果,希望透過實例解析、生活觀察、焦點議題之學習進程,深度引發學生觀察及關注生活中常見之不安全行為及不安全環境,以及連結其可能造成之事故。學生以焦點議題方式拍攝影片,各組關心生活中不安全行為及不安全環境可能造成之事故,研究結果顯示學生關心不安全行為可能造成之事故,主要為交通事故(23.4%)、被切割擦傷(22.3%)、不當動作(21.0%);不安全環境可能造成之事故,主要為跌倒(52.4%)、被切割擦傷(12.5%)、感電(10.4%)。研究結果可作為未來引導學生進行危害辨識之參考。 The unintentional injury is the top one cause of death cause between the age 1 to 24 in Taiwan, furthermore, is the top six for the all ages in 2018. Those results of unintentional injuries will cause the high social costs and social burdens. The college students belong to a high-risk group of unintentional injuries, and the knowledge about safety and health is very important to this group. This study analyzed the results of the "Environmental Safety and Health"(2 credits), a general educational course offered by a university in Chiayi County, Taiwan. The students will find the potential unsafety acts and unsafety environment in real life to prevent the happening of unintentional injury. The learning progresses of students for the hazard identification were followed the analyzed of examples from news, observed the cases, and followed the cases in real lives. The students focused the traffic accident (23.4%), cutting and graze (22.3%) and improper acts (21.0%) in unsafety acts; the fall (52.4%), cutting and graze (12.5%) and electric shock (10.4%) in unsafety environment.