經歷過40年改革開放的中國,其經濟實力的高度成長,致使國際影響力提升而受國際關注其發展動向。中國第五代國家領導人習近平於2013年9月提出「一帶一路」倡議,透過對其他國家投資的經貿合作,開展經濟外交。而身為傳統歐洲三強之一的英國,在歷經內部蘇格蘭獨立事件以及對外脫離歐盟的內外交迫之際,極力尋求在全球發展中的定位,而中國提出的帶路倡議即成為英國對外政策中選擇的考量之一。本論文探究英國對外政策中參與中國經濟外交的發展,以「一帶一路」中合作的4個項目:中歐班列、中英核能合作、中巴經濟走廊、英國參與亞投行,探究地緣經濟上的合作成果及成效。在「一帶一路」的透明度、環保、債務受到國際質疑的情況下,分析英國參與「一帶一路」將會遇到的困境及其解決方法。 China's international influence has increased sharply after 40 years of "Reform and Opening" and has caught the international attention to its development. Since September 2013, Xi Jinping, the leader of China's fifth-generation state, has proposed the "Belt and Road Initiative" to carry out economic diplomacy through economic and trade cooperation with other countries. As one of the top three traditional European companies, the UK has been striving for a position in global development after the internal Scottish independence incident and the Brexit. The engagement with China has become one of top priority of British foreign policy. This thesis evaluates the development of China's economic diplomacy in UK's China foreign policy, exploring the results and achievements of geo-economic cooperation through of cases: China Railway Express, nuclear energy cooperation, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the UK participated in the AIIB the four projects in the "Belt and Road Initiative, "Besides, the thesis explores Britain's challenges and response to the international suspicions of the transparency, environmental protection and debt traps in the "Belt and Road initiative".