本研究,以嘉義縣衛生所,工作年資至少十年且目前仍主辦長照業務之護理師為研究對象,採質性研究方法,透過深度訪談方式,探討衛生所護理師,在長照2.0居家護理服務現況及執行上,所面臨之困境與因應方式。 研究結果歸納分析如下:1.在人員方面:過多的工作負荷,且採責任制,護理人員常常超時加班。 2.在流程方面:常常需要面對工作危害暴露,像是潛在的傳染性疾病、家屬的暴力攻擊及騷擾。3.在行政方面:過多繁瑣的文書作業及系統操作。4.在教育訓練方面:實際的臨床照護技術經驗不足,缺乏實際的臨床訓練。5.在科技方面:期待導入智慧科技設備來提升照護效能,簡化部分人力的負擔。6.在政策方面:期待政府能全面分析評估衛生所護理人力及調整衛生所業務量。 This study investigated the service process of Long-Term Care 2.0 home care service provided by Chiayi County Health Centers and analyzed the implementation difficulties. By interviewing three health centers nurses working in different locations, this study collected and analyzed qualitative data related to research questions. The research findings are as follows. First, health center personnel experienced excessive workload due to adopting a responsibility system. Second, the service process was influenced by uncontrolled exposure to work hazards, potential infectious diseases, and violent attacks and harassment by family members. Third, the administration was disturbed by too many complicated documents and system operations. Fourth, in terms of education and training, the actual clinical care technology has insufficient experience and lacks practical clinical training. Fifth, in the near future, the adoption of smart technology equipment may improve care efficiency and simplify part of the manpower burden. Sixth, it is expected that the long-term care policy can comprehensively analyze and evaluate the nursing manpower of the clinic and use it to adjust the case load.