本研究將論文分為第一章緒論、第二章程氏家廟之姓氏源流、第三章程氏家廟之興建緣由與沿革、第四章程氏家廟之建築空間與藝術、第五章程氏家廟節慶活動與宗親聯誼及第六章結論等共六章來探討。 第一章緒論:概述研究動機、研究目的,再作當代學術文獻之探討,暨訂出研究方法論與全文大綱。 第二章程氏家廟之姓氏源流:本章分兩節來敘述,第一節先探究程氏其根源,再就歷史上來說明程姓先祖文智、文惠公出自開封府祥符縣泰寧坊,他們的淵源可以追溯到北宋二程時代(二程全書,景德三年明道父太中公出生於泰寧坊),而南下定居福清(文智公任福清知州)、漳蒲(文惠公封迪功郎)及分析往後之遷徙、分布。然後,再探討程渠爵(文惠公六世孫)之後代在詔安太平鄉因經濟生活因素決定遷移西螺埔心及定居埔心之後,目前程氏在台發展概況。第二節解釋族譜的意義、具有的功能及說明族譜除了記載世系之外,既能夠凝聚宗親的情感又能團結宗族的向心力。是故,我們有整理譜牒之責任。 第三章程氏家廟興建之緣由與沿革:本章分成兩節來解說,第一節說明家廟創建緣由、歷代修葺增建及重建新廟的過程等來探討興建的動機;第二節探究公田(業)之管理與運用。對程氏家廟整個運作過程所扮演的角色。 第四章描述程氏家廟之建築空間與藝術:本章分成兩節來解說,第一節說明家廟建築內、外空間布局及使用情形加以探討。第二節闡述建築形式、風格特色及建築藝術方面又分為文字與圖像兩部份,文字方面有聯語、匾額、家訓、字輩等;圖像部份為石雕、木雕與彩繪傳統歷代忠、孝、節、義及二十四孝故事暨繪畫珍禽異獸、奇花異卉等等,然後整理分析出這些資訊對程氏家廟所扮演的角色。最後,呼籲社會大眾,大家一起來維護、保存及發揚固有傳統文化。 第五章程氏家廟節慶活動與宗親聯誼:在節慶活動方面,程氏家廟慣例於每年農曆正月初七、初八作為佛公誕辰及祭拜祖先、元月十五日(顥公生日)、八月十五日(頤公生日)為感恩祭拜日。農曆十月二十一日為謝平安日以感謝神明及祖先保佑後代子孫並舉行大拜拜 。在宗親聯誼部分,桃園大溪孝義程氏宗親會及馬來西亞程氏宗親會常與西螺宗親會互訪聯誼。目前,西螺程氏家廟,2015年曾前往新安元譚公(東晉元帝時,新安太守程元譚為二程直系三十五代遠祖)及清明節前往洛陽二程公處祭祖謁陵。經由宗親互動往來聯誼活動,縮短了宗族之間的距離及增強宗親的向心力。 第六章結論:依據前五章的論述作一全面性的整合與結論。 This research can be divided into 6 chapters: 1) the introduction 2) the origin of the Chengs' family 3) the history of the Chengs' home shrine 4) the space architecture and art in the Chengs' home shrine 5) activities held in the Chengs' home shrine and clan's reunion 6) conclusion. Chapter one is about the motivation, purpose and reference review of ancestral shrines and method of this research. Chapter two can be divided into two parts: 1) the origin of the Chengs' family dated back to Song Dynasty in Kai-Feng, Henann Province where forefather Wun-Chi and Wun-Hui lived. They moved here from Zhau-An County, Fujian Province then to Puxin village in Yunlin County, Taiwan. Then the discussion of their offspring today. 2) the genealogical tables of Cheng's family. The spirit of family tree can bring out the centripetal power of the whole clan. Chapter three describes the origin and history of Cheng's home shrine. This chapter can be divided into two parts. 1) through the reason of construction, and repair and reconstruction of the shrine, we discuss the motivation of construction. 2) we discuss the importance of administration and manipulation of the farmlands which are owned by the whole clan members. Chapter four describes the space architecture and art in the Chengs' home shrine. It can be divided into two parts: 1)the arrangement, inner and outer space decoration of the construction 2) the formation, style and art of the construction.It includes Chinese character style of arts like horizontal inscribed board, couplets, and it also includes stone or wood carving or painting style on family's traditional injunctions and 24 filial piety stories or rarity kind of plants and animals. It also analyzes the importance of the information to the Chengs' home shrine and appeals to the public to maintain and preserve and glorify our tradition culture. Chapter five describes activities held in the Chengs' home shrine and clan's reunion. The main activities held in the Chengs' home shrine are the 7th and 8th days of first lunar month as ancestral and worshiping day. The 15th day of the same month is Cheng Hau's birthday. The 15th day of the 8th lunar month is Prosperity-thanking Day. The 21st day of the 10th lunar month is Peace-thanking Day. Through these activities, we worship our god and ancestors to protect and shield offspring and prosperity and happiness to all clansmen. The members of association of Cheng clansmen from Malaysia and Taoyuan often pay a visit to the clansmen in Xiluo. Besides, the clansmen from Xiluo also paid a visit to clansmen living in China. The mutual visits can melt down the mutual gap and enforce the centripetal power between all clansmen. Chapter six is conclusion. From above-mentioned issues, we make a conclusion and propose new issues from the result.