營造工程佔全球碳排放約36%,營造廢棄物若能回收再利用,將可降低碳排放。本研究分析再生材料取代天然骨材之混凝土強度及透水性變化,首先將抗壓測試完之試體廢棄物經軛碎後為再生骨材,隨後將骨材以再生材料含量100%、75%及50%各製作3組透水混凝土樣品,每組均測試三種水灰比,每組各製作兩個圓柱試體,施作抗壓試驗及滲透試驗,總計完成24組圓柱體進行試驗。試驗結果顯示實驗組中再生骨材50%(W/C 0.30)及(W/C 0.35),抗壓強度高,透水性最佳,若鋪面設計以抗壓強度及透水性為目的,以本次試驗結果來看,則50%再生骨材含量為最佳配比,可提供未來使用再生材料之參考依據。 Construction projects occupies 36% of global carbon emissions. The recycle of construction waste materials can reduce carbon emissions. This study analyzed the strength and permeability of concrete, in which natural aggregate was replaced by recycled aggregate. Firstly, the waste of the test body after the compression test was crushed by yoke to make recycled aggregate. Recycle aggregate replace ratio (RARR) include 100%, 75% and 50%.Every RARR will prepare three permeable concrete samples, in which each sample will made two cylindrical specimens.In addition, three kinds of water-cement ratio will also test. Finally, total 24samples were prepared to test the compressive strength and permeability. The test results show that the regenerated bone materials in the experimental group are 50% (W/C 0.30) and (W/C 0.35), with high compressive strength and best water permeability. According to the results of the second test, the content of 50% recycled bone material is the best ratio, which can provide a reference for the future use of recycled materials.