摘要: | 本研究旨在探討消費者購買環保吸管時對於環保吸管之「環保吸管清洗方式」、「材質」、「造型」、「結構」、「價格」、「他人推薦」「品牌」等因素喜好度。透過「文獻分析法」先進行資料收集、整理,再使用「問卷調查法」設計出「影響消費者購買環保吸管喜好度」之研究問卷,進行問卷的發放及回收進行統計及分析,最後以客觀的數據來說明研究結果,並提出具體的結論與建議,作為環保吸管設計、製造、銷售及後續研究之參考。本研究所獲得之結論如下:1. 不同背景的消費者對於選購環保吸管「影響因素」喜好度中,以「環保吸管清洗方式」及「材質」為消費者重點選購因素。2. 不同背景的消費者對於環保吸管「材質」喜好度中,以「不鏽鋼」最受消費者青睞,其次為「玻璃」材質。3. 不同背景的消費者對於環保吸管「造型-線條」喜好度中,以「直管」榮獲最高的評價,其次為「彎管」線條造型。4. 不同背景的消費者對於環保吸管「造型-上緣口款式」喜好度中,以基本款「倒圓角口」最讓消費者買單,對於「扁口」及較華麗「其他特殊型(愛心口) 」樣式則興趣缺缺。5. 不同背景的消費者對於環保吸管「結構」喜好度中,以基本款「一體成形式」最受好評,反觀有收納功能的「伸縮式」及「摺疊式」較不受消費者光顧。 The thesis aims to discuss how are the factors, including the way how to wash, material, shape, structure, price, others' recommendation, and brand, affect customers to buy the reusable straws. By data collection, analysis, questionnaire survey, survey recollecting, necessary data obtaining and analyzing, it comes to the following conclusion. 1. Most customers concern with the way how to wash and material in buying the reusable straws.2. For the preference for ‘material,’ customers like stainless steel and glass.3. For the preference for ‘shape,’ the straight one is more popular than the bendy one.4. For the preference for ‘the mouth of the straw,’ the round one is widely accepted rather than the flat one or other specific, like heart, shape.5. Customers have a preference for one-piece over the extendable and the foldable ones. |