本研究以詮釋學的觀點來解釋蔡禮旭《弟子規》讀經教育,研究者主要的研究方法主要是以「參與觀察法」進行研究,藉由觀察學習者學習的內容,以及運用「深度訪談法」與學習者進行訪談,進而了解學習者對《弟子規》詮釋概念中所扮演的角色。並以四個面向依序進行分析:一、學習者對蔡禮旭《弟子規》的詮釋。二、學習者對傳統《弟子規》教學的理解及其限制。三、學習者因蔡禮旭《弟子規》的啟發與改變。四、由詮釋學觀點分析蔡禮旭《弟子規》教學。 分析結果發現,學習蔡禮旭《弟子規》的學習者於詮釋《弟子規》中作為詮釋內文的接收者,學習者融入個人經驗以個人前見進行詮釋,學習者在學習的過程中雖為單方的傳遞與接收的關係,但學習過程經由理解及詮釋的發展狀態,形成詮釋循環。 由教學者蔡禮旭先生將《弟子規》內文,以豐富生動的詮釋轉化,學習者因理解蔡禮旭《弟子規》內文中的微言大意,進而激發出學習者內心的觀點,以達到內化身心的視域融合。最後,研究者將根據研究分析結果歸納出研究結論,並提出具體的建議。 This study uses the hermeneutical point of view to explain Cai Lixu's "Disciple Regulation" reading education. The main research methods of the researchers are mainly based on the "par-ticipation observation method", by observing the learner's learning content, and using the "deep interview method" Conduct interviews with learners to understand the role of learners in inter-preting the concept of "Discipline Regulations". And analyze sequentially in four aspects: 1. The learner's interpretation of Cai Lixu's "Discipline Regulations".2. The learner's understanding and limitation of the traditional "Discipline Regulation" teaching.3. Learners are inspired and changed by Cai Lixu's "Discipline Regulations".4. Analyze Cai Lixu's "Discipline Regulation" teaching from the perspective of hermeneutics. The analysis found that the learners who studied Cai Lixu's "Disciple Rules" were the re-cipients of the interpretation of the text in the "Disciple Rules". The learners integrated their personal experiences and interpreted them with their own foresight. Although the learners are unilateral in the learning process The relationship between transmission and reception, but the learning process forms a cycle of interpretation through the development of understanding and interpretation. Instructor Mr. Cai Lixu transformed the text of the "Discipline Regulations" with rich and vivid interpretations. The learner understands Cai Lixu's "discipline regulations" in the text, and thus stimulates the learner's inner point of view to achieve the internalization of mind and body Fusion of vision. Finally, the researchers will summarize the research conclusions based on the results of the research analysis and make specific recommendations.