教育部推動108課綱,國二歷史課程大幅刪減中國史而主講東亞史,引起爭議。支持者認為,背誦古代中國歷史沒有用,學子也沒有必要去記千年以前千里之外的事,而該關心七十年前這塊土地上發生的事。然而,此說若成立,背誦任何古代歷史也一樣沒有用,學子也沒有必要去記百年以前百里之外的事,而該關心自己成長鄰里的點點滴滴。說穿了,108課綱就是為了台獨的政治工程,意欲使用政治勢力形塑下一代的集體認知,創造出排斥中國的台灣文化認同。對此,本文主張,民眾雖然不接受被中共統治,但也不認同去除中國的歷史文化傳承,只要有充分的資訊與解說,民眾並不會支持108課綱的實施。對於此一推論,本文將透過網路問卷調查加以驗證。 The Ministry of Education promoted the year 108 version curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education, in which the history textbook for the 8th grade students was revised to emphasis only on East Asian history at the expanse of Chinese history. This policy caused serious controversy. Supporters believe that it is useless to study ancient Chinese history, and there is no need for students to remember things happened thousands of miles away and thousands of years ago. We should care about what happened on this land 70 years ago. However, if this is true, it would also be useless to study any ancient history. There is also no need for students to memorize things that were hundreds of miles away and hundreds ofyears ago. We should only care about our immediate neighborhood. To put it bluntly, year 108 version curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education is a political project for Taiwan independence. It intends to use political forces to shape the collective identity of the next generation and create a Taiwanese cultural identity that excludes China. In this regard, this article argues that, although Taiwanese people do not accept communist rule, Taiwanese people also do not agree with the removal of Chinese historical and cultural heritage. With sufficient information and explanations, Taiwanese people will not support the implementation of the year 108 version curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education. This argument is verified through an online questionnaire.