近幾年來越來越多人飼養寵物,相較之下飼養寵物貓的比例較飼養寵物狗增加不少,因此本研究針對貓相關產品-貓砂盆為探討主題,以飼養貓之消費者為研究對象,調查消費者(飼主)在選購貓砂盆時主觀意識的喜好程度,透過資料蒐集、分析後設計問卷,針對臺灣地區的消費者(飼主),以網路隨機方式進行問卷調查,研究結果以提供寵物貓相關業者在商品開發和行銷,以及後續研究者之參考。 本研究所獲得研究結論如下:1.貓砂盆產品的色彩以淺色的貓砂盆評價最高,深色的貓砂盆最低。2.貓砂盆產品的尺寸大小以大型尺寸的貓砂盆評價最高,小型尺寸的貓砂盆最低。3.貓砂盆產品的造型以方形的貓砂盆評價最高,柱形的貓砂盆造型最低。4.貓砂盆產品的機能以單層貓砂盆的評價最高,半自動貓砂盆最低。 In recent years, more and more people have pets, and there has been an increase in the percentage of cat keepers compared to dog keepers. Therefore, this research focuses on cat-related products, with “Cat Litter Boxes” being chosen as the topic of discussion.Taking consumers who keeps cats as the target of research,we investigate the preference of cat owners when choosing their cat litter boxes at the store. By going through data collection & analysis, we've designed an survey targeting consumers (cat owners) in Taiwan,and conducted the survey randomly on the internet. Results will be provided to the pet industry (for cats) for future product development and marketing, and also for further research references. For this research, the results are as follows: 1.For color design,light colored Cat Litter Boxes have the highest ratings, while dark colored ones have the lowest. 2.For size,larger sized Cat Litter Boxes have the highest ratings, while smaller sized ones have the lowest. 3.For product model,rectangular shaped Cat Litter Boxes have the highest ratings, while pillar shaped ones have the lowest. 4.For product function,single layered Cat Litter Boxes have the highest ratings, while semi-automatic ones have the lowest.