凱因斯曾是巴黎和會英國談判團成員之一,他觀察《凡爾賽條約》討論與訂定過程,回國後將和會見聞與反思撰寫成《和平的經濟結果》一書,1919年出版並暢銷。凱因斯提出一戰前歐洲經濟的組織架構,從宏觀角度分析歐洲的經濟發展,以及巴黎和會的運行,凱因斯認為巴黎和會應優先考量重建經濟基礎,方能裨益歐洲人民生計與文明,並指出《凡爾賽條約》有著不公平與剝奪,是一種迦太基式和平,不僅不利於德國,更有害歐洲經濟與和平發展,凱因斯提出分析、補救之道與建言。 John Maynard Keynes was a member for the British side at the Paris Peace Conference, observing the problems by the victorious powers in the discussing and making of the Treaty of Versailles. After Keynes returned to Britain, he shared his reflections and experiences of the Paris Peace Conference in the book The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Published in 1919, the book became a best seller. Keynes described the organization and framework of European economic collaboration before WWI, and analyzed the European development of political economy from the macro perspective and the process of conference, debating that the Paris Peace Conference should prioritize economic reconstruction in the interests of the people of Europe and European civilization. Keynes also pointed out that Carthaginian peace of Treaty of Versailles was based on injustice and deprivation. It was harmful to Germany and Europe's economy and peaceful development. In response, Keynes put forward many analyses, remedies and recommendations.