專業能力、知覺價值與服務品質在美髮沙龍業裡已成為顧客選擇消費的參考偏好之一,所以以三個變項來研究顧客對美髮沙龍的影響進而改善經營方針。此研究透過問卷來更加認識顧客專業能力、知覺價值與服務品質之關係,研究以網路問卷便利抽樣方式,透過Line、臉書及IG之社羣媒體進行問卷調查,網路調查發送359份問卷,共收回359份問卷,有效之問卷採SPSS此軟體為分析工具進行信效度分析以及敘述性統計分析及獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析和迴歸分析等統計分析方法進行分析。研究結果顯示:不同的背景變項對於專業能力、知覺價值具有顯著差異,對於服務品質則無顯著差異;專業能力對於知覺價值具有顯著正向影響;專業能力對於服務品質具有顯著正向影響;知覺價值對於服務品質具有顯著正向影響;知覺價值對於專業能力與服務品質具有中介效果。 Professional ability, perceived value, and service quality have become the most important aspects for customer’s demand for the hairdressing service. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship among these three variables with a view to providing recommendations for managing the hair salon business. The questionnaire survey was used for empirical work, and a total of 359 valid questionnaires were collected. And SPSS software was used for statistical analysis, including reliability analysis, validity analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, independent sample T test, one-way analysis of variance and regression methods, in order to achieve the purpose of the study. The research results show that: different demographic variables have different impact on the capabilities required for individual stores; professional ability and the perceived value have significant impacts on the capabilities required for individual stores; professional ability has a significant impact on perceived value; perceived value has a significant impact on service quality; and service quality has a mediating effect on both professional ability and service quality.