摘要: | 大學生在求學階段的學習及生活情形能夠具體反映出我國高等教育素養,更可以顯示出國家未來的社會發展趨勢。然而,青少年普遍抗壓性不足、容易逃避而不敢接受挑戰,為此,許多宗教團體紛紛在大專院校設立社團,以期幫助學子用正向且積極的態度面對人生。因此,如何藉由宗教力量提升大學生的學習能力與態度,以及抗壓能力,增進大學生面對逆境的能力,是當前重要的課題。本研究隨機抽取國內南部各大專院校學生為樣本,共發放700份問卷,回收有效問卷358份。研究結果發現:高逆境商數可以讓大學生在面對壓力時,較懂得調適壓力對生活上各層面的影響;而當擁有較高的責任心時,容易產生自責,負面情緒時間也較久;學習壓力大時,會歸因於他人對自己的評斷;宗教信仰的介入對於大學生的逆境商數與學習壓力、學習壓力與成就動機之間的調節並無太明顯的關聯性,但可以藉由宗教功能來縮減他人給予自己負面評價的影響持續時間;本研究亦發現,逆境商數高的學生會把學習壓力當作是種磨練來提高成就行為。 A college student's learning process and living situation during his/her college years can concretely reflect the accomplishments of higher education in our country, and even foretell our country's social development trends in the future. However, in general, because adolescents usually have poorer anti-pressure ability, they tend to escape meeting challenges. Therefore, many religious groups set up numerous societies in colleges or universities, so as to help students face their lives based on positive and active attitudes. Hence, the important issue currently lies in how to enhance college students’ learning ability and attitudes as well as anti-pressure ability through the power of religion, so that college students can enhance their ability to meet adversity. In this study, based on the collected random samples aimed at the students in every college or university in Southern Taiwan, 700 copies of questionnaires had been issued, in which 358 effective copies were returned. Through the study results, we have found: High AQ (Adversity Quotient) enables a college student to be more capable to adjust the influence of pressure on every aspect of his/her life when he/she encounters pressure. If having greater sense of responsibility, he/she inclines to have self-condemnation and lapse into a prolonged duration of negative mood. When having greater learning stress, he/she ascribes the blame to other people's judgments on him/her. The intervention of a religious belief does not have more significant correlation with a college student's adjustment between AQ and learning stress, as well as between learning stress and achievement motivation. However, through the function of religion, he/she can reduce the duration of influence caused by other people's negative ratings on him/her. Also, in this study, we have found that a student with high AQ tends to enhance his/her achievement behavior by means of viewing his/her learning stress as a kind of trial. |