保生大帝為閩臺兩地最重要的民間信仰之一,不僅擁有眾多的宮廟及信徒,兩岸也有不少學者投入研究,展現可觀的成果。本文旨在爬梳歷來的研究論著,並分析主要的討論議題,及其反映的研究現象。兩岸的保生大帝信仰研究,大陸地區著重於歷史學的研究,藉由文獻史料的分析,或從傳統史學的角度,論證吳夲的生平及其信仰的形成、發展與傳播;或從社會史的角度,探討信仰發展的社經背景及各階層組織的互動關係。臺灣地區則以人類學研究為主,透過實地的田野調查,考察個別宮廟或地區的信仰現象、祭祀圈、祭典活動等。這兩大研究取向,也呈現出兩岸民間信仰研究的差異與特色;而其中反映的祖宮之爭與知識權力的運作,也是值得關注的現象。 Bao-sheng Emperor (“the Emperor of Folks' Guardian”) is one of the most important folk beliefs in Fu-jian and Taiwan. Believers have built numerous temples to worship him and scholars in Mainland China and Taiwan have conducted many researches on him. This essay aims to review the literature on Bao-sheng Emperor, and analyzes the subject matter of related studies. In Mainland China, studies in the belief of Bao-sheng Emperor focus mainly on its historical aspects. By analyzing historical data and taking the traditional historical perspective as the point of departure, scholars in Mainland China have discussed Wu Tao's biography and the formation and widespread development of the belief of Bao-sheng Emperor. They have also explored the socioeconomic background upon which the faith was based and the interactions among social strata. In Taiwan, studies in the belief in Bao-sheng Emperor have rather focused on its anthropological aspects. Through field research, scholars in Taiwan have observed and investigated different facets of the belief, the worship circle, and the festivities in each individual temple or region. The two main research methods used in Mainland China and Taiwan show the differences and characteristics in their approaches towards the study of folk beliefs. Last but not least, the power struggle in the temples is also well reflected in this study of the belief in Bao-sheng Emperor.