有關歐洲行政空間的討論,是指在歐洲區域之內運作的公共行政,逐漸有一些共享的原則或是共識,而此共識與原則,是與歐陸公法傳統密切相關的。EAS表示在各國行政法秩序與行政實務上,存在一種演化並增加同質性的趨勢。而此趨勢的內涵是指向善治與共有行政法傳統,主要的原則包括:可靠性與可預測性、開放與透明、課責,以及效率效能等。這些基本的公共行政與價值,也被用來檢視中東歐候選國家申請加入歐盟的行政條件,以確保/確定這些國家能夠改善行政能力、能與歐盟既有會員國體制接軌、能夠執行泛歐層次的共同政策與法令。除此之外,歐盟相關組織也以利誘與壓力,促使候選國家改善行政能力。不過,目前有關EAS的討論集中在趨同或是差異性,而且沒有共識,仍有許多因素猶待釐清。一般來說,各國仍有各自的行政傳統、價值與實務經驗,很難說EAS已經取得優勢論點。由歐洲行政空間的討論來展望同屬區域整合的兩岸關係,我們也能找出若干對於ECFA運作與協商的啟示,並從中鼓勵互動機制中能夠納入社會夥伴關係以及強化各類文官的互動,從而讓台灣較優質的行政體制與行政文化,能夠影響大陸行政體制,共同學習民主治理的精神。 The idea of an emerging EAS , which denotes that public administration operate on the basis of European principles, has roots in continental public law tradition. The term EAS represents an evolving process of increasing convergence between national administrative legal orders and administrative practices of member states. Over time, a general consensus on key component of good governance and public law has emerged among EU Member States. These main principles are as follows: 1.Reliability and Predictability; 2.Openness and transparency; 3.Accountability; 4.Efficiency and effectiveness. These basic public administration values and principles are deemed to have led to some convergence amongst national administration. The employment of these principles also creates standards to which the candidate states are expected to conform in order to improved administrative capacity and preparations for accession and enlargement process, and to align their public administrations to those of the EU Member States. In addition, EU institutions have increased pressure and disbursed funds to boost administrative capacity in central and eastern European candidate countries. These institutions have tried to ensure that, when becoming EU members, candidate countries will able to implement the ever-expanding body of EU law and policy. At present, the discussion about EAS is concentrating on convergence or not, but several factors make it difficult to give more precise answers. In general, member states have managed to preserve their specific administrative tradition, practices, and values. The ECFA is the same as EAS that we can deliberate where Cross-Strait relation go. We are looking forward to [A Cross- Strait Space] by which civil servant and social partner can be increased; moreover, implement Cross-Strait public governance.