本研究採用協同行動研究法,探討戈登幼兒音樂課程之實踐與成效。研究者帶領兩名職前幼教師在幼兒園大班進行三個月的戈登幼兒音樂教學活動。本研究的資料蒐集包括:教室觀察、課堂評量、教學省思日誌、教學回饋單、研究團隊教學檢討等。研究結果發現:(一)幼兒在音高型式與節奏型式的表現有進步,然而幼兒在小調音型與三拍子型式的表現仍較弱。(二)職前幼教師必須解決的教學困境包括:音準問題、班級經營的問題。(三)職前幼教師在音樂學科知能與教育專業知能方面有其專業成長。研究者最後針對幼兒音樂課程與教學,以及未來相關研究提出建議。 Using collaborative action research, this study aims to investigate the implementation and effect of Gordon's music approach in a kindergarten class in Taiwan. The author served as the research team leader and two early childhood pre-service teachers served as co-teachers to teach music to kindergarten children for three months. Data sources included classroom observations, classroom assessment, pre-service teachers' reflection notes on teaching, research team's feedback and discussion on teaching, and so on. Findings revealed that (1) young children's performances in tonal and rhythm patterns improved, but they had certain difficulties in minor tonality and triple meter. (2) The pre-service teachers had to solve the problems of their pitch in singing and classroom management. (3) In spite of the teaching problems, the pre-service teachers found that they promoted their professional development in music knowledge and educational knowledge. Recommendations for teaching young children music and future research are also discussed.