本研究將政治kuso當作是一個網路公開的語言場域,並將從巴赫汀的狂歡節語藝分析的層次來觀察此場域裡意義生產機制的幾個重要面向:這其中包括語言存在的特定社會溝通情境,也就是語言情境;參與溝通的人所運用的語意建構策略,以及特定的語意是如何被呈現的;並進一步以網路公共領域作為規範性概念,觀察kuso作為另類的政治意見表達,檢視網路作為一政治溝通的空間及媒介,異於傳統大眾傳播媒介的特性如何展現。 研究結果發現kuso政治言談的是基於語言遊戲的心理而驅動的,它的溝通前提是「突破慣常的思考,以異於平常的語言方式進行討論」,打破一般線性邏輯的思維,運用極為嘲諷的方式來討論政治議題,不僅顛覆了政治本身的嚴肅性和神聖性,更對權力階級進行了犀利的諷刺,達成語言遊戲的目的。 由於kuso是一場語言的遊戲,讓議題界線互相模糊,開放出更多討論的空間,然而這種語言遊戲也容易流於徒具形式、缺乏內涵,其中群體附和造成意見的交流缺乏碰撞和交集,造成網友各自表述,甚而將阻擾公民自由討論。網路匿名性成功除去了現實身份的差異和壓迫,讓每個人發言機會均等,然而真實生活中對於「非我族類」的社群鑑別意識,並不會因為網路的匿名特質而消失,反而有時會被刻意彰顯出來。雖然kuso在實踐意涵上極端個人化,批判過於集中於彰顯個人意志,難以對結構產生改變,然而它讓kuso讓私領域議題也獲得公開討論的機會,不僅抨擊權力階級也宣洩政治不滿,將權力神話解體,實踐了個人的自主性和發聲權,凸顯大眾之語意民主,整體來說對於網路的政治參與是有其正面的進步意涵。 This study takes internet kuso as a public language field. It analyzes the important aspects of the meaning-producing mechanism in the field. In light of Mikhail Bakhtin's carnival theory, the study focuses on the specific social communication context (language context), the meaning-constructed strategy employed by the communicators, and the way the specific meanings are presented. The study discovers that the internet kuso as a style of political conversations is motivated by a rule of language play with the premise of breaking the logical thinking. Casting the political issues in ironical lights, the political kuso subverts not only the standard of decency which characterizes traditional political discussion, but also the symbolic order of the social strata. This study further measures the language performance of the internet kuso against the normative standard of Habermas's pulbic sphere. It suggests that, besides the rowdy and vulgar style of language, the polyphonic carnivalesque of the internet kuso can still be identified as another agency of political communication. The study concludes that the Internet kuso has the constuctive meaning for political participation.