本研究以項目反應理論(item response theory, IRT)與適性測驗(computerized adaptive test, CAT)為基礎,採用最新網路技術,以三層式主從網路架構,結合網路資料庫,建構一個以網路為平台的網路教學適性測驗管理資訊系統。此系統包括一個等級區分為七級的題庫,受測者使用IE 5.0以上的瀏覽器登入系統進行測試,每次進入,經由系統以適性的方式出題,完成三個題目之作答後,即可明顯獲知受測者等級,此等級經紀錄後,作為下次進行測試之起始等級,可連續進行該一受測者學習效果等級之評量。 建構本系統採用四個方法:一、ASP檔案的處理;二、由HTTP直接存取SQL Server 2000資料庫內的資料;三、使用端瀏覽器讀取SQL Server 2000資料庫內的資料 ;四、使用端透過ODBC方式連結資料庫作編修資料庫內的試題資料。在使用端(client) 因考慮需用到大量的數值計算因素,故採用ASP程式語言。為了資料格式的共同性、方便性及方便不同平台之系統使用,故採用XML資料格式及XSL排版樣式撰寫。 本系統架設於下列網址: http://ofc.cmsh.cyc.edu.tw/mathx/,經使用後,效果良好,可提供學生隨時上網完成學習後效果等級之評量,可作為教師瞭解學生學習效果的有效工具,以及學生自我評量的管理工具,教師進行題庫內試題之編輯修正亦可隨時上線完成其使用與維護均甚便利。 The rationale of management information system for adaptive test is based on Item Response Theory and Computerized Adaptive Theory. This system for distance testing is constructed using three-tier WWW server model associated with database technology. It consists of a complete item bank of testing questions which is divided into seven classes of degree. Users can use the browser software, IE 5.0, to login into the system. After the login, the initial test with three questions can be selected to detect the degree of the user and the result can be recorded to database for consecutive testing. The purpose of the consecutive testing is to measure the learning effect of the student in a mathematical class. User can understand whether the degree corresponding to learn effect is reflecting his capibility after testing. And also the results can lead teacher to teach what a student is really needed. Four methods which are ASP(Active Server Page), SQL sever, HTTP for access to the SQL server 2000 and ODBC are used to design the testing system. Testing questions and results from users are saved in the SQL 2000 Server. The use of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and SQL 2000 Server makes it easy to map XML and related data with familiar standard such as XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) transformation, HTTP and OLEDB. Testing URL is :http://ofc.cmsh.cyc.edu.tw/mathx/ .