近年來,由於資訊科技的發達和個人電腦的普及,電腦遊戲變成一種流行的休閒娛樂,而藉由玩遊戲,兒童可以發展個人的生活能力,因為玩遊戲是了解自我最好的方式,以遊戲為基礎的學習方式,有可能協助解決這些難題。故本研究結合「學校本位課程」與「遊戲」,並將之設計成多媒體教材「民和大冒險」,透過數位遊戲中角色扮演和闖關的方式,除了為學習增添趣味性外,亦可建立了多元化的學習方式,希望學生能在潛移默化中建構知識概念,發展個人的認知歷程,深入認識學校及家鄉生態達到學習成效,進而主動建構個人化知識概念。 For the past few years, with the development of information technology and wide-spreading ownership of personal computers, computer games have become a very popular kind of leisure. Through playing computer games, school kids can develop their own abilities, because playing game is probably the best way to fully understand themselves. Game-based learning methods can possibly be a very good way to help school kids. This study combines the “ School-based Curriculum ” and “ Digital Games ”, and “ MHES Adventure ” is developed as a multi-media teaching material. Through roles playing in digital games, school kids can have much more fun in learning, and they can enjoy multiple ways of learning. Subsequently, school kids can hopefully acquire thorough knowledge from the School-based Curriculum.