摘要: | 本研究旨在探討青少年家庭系統分化、自我發展與生活適應之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。研究過程所採用的量表包括有「家庭系統分化量表」、「自我發展量表」、以及「行為困擾量表」等三類研究工具;其中,研究樣本的選取是以台中縣境七所國民中學一、二年級學生共965人作為研究對象。本研究所得資料以皮爾森積差相關、巢式迴歸模型分析、及徑路分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、青少年所覺知之家庭系統中婚姻、父子、母子、親職等四次系統的分化情形,會與其在對人信賴、活潑自主、自動自發、勤奮努力、自我認同等人格特質的發展上,存在著顯著的正相關。而且,青少年所覺知之「整體」家庭系統分化水準,亦會對自我發展各階段所形成之人格特質,存在著顯著的影響效應。 二、青少年所覺知之家庭系統中婚姻、父子、母子、親職等四次系統的分化情形,會與其自我關懷困擾、身心發展困擾、學校生活困擾、人際關係困擾、家庭生活困擾、及整體行為困擾之適應狀態,存在著顯著的正相關。而且,青少年所覺知之「整體」家庭系統分化水準,亦會對各種生活情境中行為困擾的適應,存在著顯著的影響效應。 三、青少年在自我發展各階段所形成之對人信賴、活潑自主、自動自發、勤奮努力、自我認同等人格特質,會與其自我關懷困擾、身心發展困擾、學校生活困擾、人際關係困擾、家庭生活困擾、及整體行為困擾之適應狀態,存在著顯著的正相關。而且,青少年之自我人格「整體」發展狀況,亦會對各種生活情境中行為困擾的適應,存在著顯著的影響效應。 四、家庭系統分化水準對青少年在各種生活情境中行為困擾適應的顯著影響效應,會因自我發展人格特質因素的加入,而致使原先所存在的顯著影響力逐漸消弱。而且,此種關係模式並不會受到性別或家庭社經地位等個人屬性變項之影響。 (一)家庭系統分化水準對青少年自我關懷困擾適應與身心發展困擾適應所原存有的影響力,會完全為自我發展人格特質對之的影響力所取代。 (二)青少年的學校生活困擾適應、人際關係困擾適應、家庭生活困擾適應、及整體行為困擾適應,皆同時會受到來自家庭系統分化水準與自我發展人格特質的影響力。 五、青少年的家庭系統分化水準與其生活適應情形除存有直接關係外,亦存有間接關係;而此種間接關係即是透過以青少年自我發展人格特質為中介變項,而建立出的一種徑路關係模式。 根據上述的研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論,以作為學校輔導、親職教育及後續研究方向之參考。 The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among adolescents' self-reported family system differentiation, ego development, and life adjustment. This study collected data by using survey-research methods. The instruments used in this study included,“Differentiation in Family System Scale”,“Ego Development Scale”, and“Behavior Disturbance Scale”. In this study, the participants were 965 students sampled from seven junior high schools in Taichung County. The collected data were analyzed by product-moment correlation, nested regression model analysis, and path analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1. There were significant positive correlations between adolescents' self-reported four family subsystems differentiation (marital, father-child, mother-child, and parental) and ego development (trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity). Besides, ego development (trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity) could be predicted by adolescents' self-reported family system differentiation. 2. There were significant positive correlations between adolescents' self-reported four family subsystems differentiation (marital, father-child, mother-child, and parental) and life adjustment (self-concern, body and psychological development, school life, interpersonal relationship, family life, and the whole behavior). Besides, life adjustment (self-concern, body and psychological development, school life, inter- personal relationship, family life, and the whole behavior) could be predicted by adolescents' self-reported family system differentiation. 3. There were significant positive correlations between ego development (trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity) and life adjustment (self-concern, body and psychological development, school life, interpersonal relationship, family life, and the whole behavior). Besides, life adjustment (self-concern, body and psycho- logical development, school life, interpersonal relationship, family life, and the whole behavior) could be predicted by ego development. 4. Owing to ego development, the effect between family system differentiation and life adjustment has weakened. Besides, there was no significant gender and socio- economic status difference in this relationship. 1). The family system differentiation standard's effect on the adolescents' adjust- ment of self-concern and physic-mind development was completely replaced by the effect between ego development and adjustment of self-concern and physic-mind development. 2). Adolescents' adjustment of school life, interpersonal relationship, family life, and the whole behavior was all influenced by family system differentiation and ego development. 5. The relationships between adolescents' family system differentiation and life adjustment was not only direct but also indirect. Then, this indirect relationship was an intervening variable to build a path model through ego development. According to the above findings, this study serves as a springboard for further discussion, and can be proposed for school counseling, parenting education, and future research. |